5 of the Best Writing Books for Beginners 2023

writing books for beginners
5 of the Best Writing Books for Beginners | Image by Author

In this article, I’m going to mention the 5 best writing books for beginners that I find valuable. Each of the books that are listed here will help you improve your writing in some way.

Great writing has the power to change the way people think and act. It can inspire and motivate people to take action, and can also challenge and expand their perspectives.

Through the written word, writers have the ability to influence and shape public opinion and bring about social and political change.

As a beginner, writing can feel like a big challenge. It can be overwhelming. But in order to write you need to have enough knowledge about the topic you are interested to write about.

This knowledge can come from reading. The more you read the more you will gain knowledge. This will help you write great articles, stories whatever you want.

Sometimes beginner writers underestimate the power of reading books. Reading books can improve writing skills in a number of ways.

Reading exposes writers to a wide range of writing styles, genres, and structures, which can serve as an inspiration and help writers to develop their own unique voice and style.

Reading also helps writers to develop their vocabulary and language skills, which can improve their ability to express themselves clearly and effectively on the page.

Reading can also help writers to become more critical and analytical readers, which can improve their ability to revise and edit their own work.

Believe me when I say this, sometimes reading can help improve your writing in such a way that when you sit down to write, your fingers or pen will automatically generate content even if you don’t know what to write! That’s the power of reading.

5 Best Writing Books for Beginners

a cup of tea
Image from Pexels.com

Here are the five best writing books for beginners that I’ve gathered for you:

  1. On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, by Stephen King
  2. Nobody Wants To Read Your Sh*t: Why That Is and What You Can Do About It, by Steven Pressfield
  3. Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life, by Anne Lamott
  4. 2k to 10k: How to write faster, write better, and write more of what you love, by Rachel Aaron
  5. Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within, by Natalie Goldberg

Now with the list out of the way let’s dive into a more detailed review of the books and why I think these are the best.

By the way, these are not listed in order as I think all of them are valuable for a beginner writer. So, the first one doesn’t mean that it’s the best among the five, it just came to my mind at first while writing.

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Author of this book: Stephen King

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft is a must-read for any writer, regardless of their level of experience. This book offers practical advice on the craft of writing, as well as insights into the writing process.

Stephen King’s writing style is engaging and easy to read, making the book a quick and enjoyable read. Throughout the book, King shares his personal experiences as a writer and stories from his own writing journey, providing valuable lessons and inspiration for other writers.

He also shared his writing strategies in the book which is why I liked it. One of the things I appreciated most about the book was King’s honesty and vulnerability.

He doesn’t shy away from discussing the challenges he has faced as a writer and offers valuable advice on how to overcome them.

In terms of writing advice, King covers a wide range of topics, including the importance of grammar and clarity, the role of discipline in the writing process, and the value of reading widely. He also provides helpful tips on how to develop and revise ideas, and how to approach the editing process.

So, this book is a must-read if you are a beginner writer—it doesn’t matter if you are an experienced writer, if you didn’t read it, I’d say you should give it a go. Because you know there is no limit to learning, you might learn something valuable by reading this piece!

Nobody Wants To Read Your Sh*t: Why That Is and What You Can Do About It

Author of this book: Steven Pressfield

This book is also a must-read for any writer looking to improve their craft. In this book, author Steven Pressfield offers practical and actionable advice on how to create compelling and engaging writing that people will actually want to read.

Pressfield’s no-nonsense approach is what I loved the most in the book. He doesn’t sugarcoat the challenges that writers face but instead offers honest and straightforward advice on how to overcome them.

Pressfield covers a wide range of topics, including the importance of having a clear and compelling idea, the value of revision and editing, and the role of discipline in the writing process.

He also offers helpful tips on how to find your voice as a writer and how to build an audience for your work.

I thought that this book is a valuable resource for any writer looking to improve their craft which is why I’ve included this piece in my list. Give it a try, I’m sure it will be worth your time!

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life

Author of this book: Anne Lamott

Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life is a delightful and inspiring read for writers of all levels. This book offers writing guides and inspiration for writers.

This book provides practical advice on the writing process, as well as encouragement and motivation for writers. Anne Lamott’s writing style is warm and engaging, making the book an enjoyable read.

The first part of the book focuses on the life of the author who happens to have quite interesting life. She shares her own writing journey.

In the later stages of the book, the author shares valuable lessons and inspiration for other writers. The author beautifully explains what it means and takes to be a writer.

She also offers helpful tips on how to stay motivated and inspired, and how to find joy in the writing process. It’s hard to explain how beautiful this book actually is. This book actually helped me overcome my fears as a writer.

So, this is a very good read for a beginner writer as well. This book will help you get more inspired to write. Reading this will help you overcome your fears, and doubts as a beginner writer.

2k to 10k: How To Write Faster, Write Better, and Write More of What You Love

Author of this book: Rachel Aaron

This book is a valuable resource for writers looking to improve their productivity and writing skills. Author Rachel Aaron offers practical and actionable advice on how to write faster and more efficiently, without sacrificing quality.

Aaron’s focus on the writing process is what I loved about the book most.

She provides a clear and concise framework for how to approach writing, including how to brainstorm and develop ideas, how to structure a story or essay, and how to revise and edit.

Her story is pretty incredible, as a new mother, she had limited time to write so she had to figure out how to write a lot faster.

She provides strategies to write more and faster in the book. Such as writing during your creative hours, planning your stories, writing a detailed outline, figuring out what you will be writing next ahead of time, etc.

In addition, Aaron offers helpful tips on how to overcome common writing challenges, such as writer’s block and self-doubt, and how to stay motivated and focused.

She also provides valuable insights into the writing habits of successful writers, and how to incorporate those habits into your own writing practice.

I think this book deserves a place on this list as it will teach a beginner writer to write more creatively and faster.

Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within

Author of this book: Natalie Goldberg

Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within is a very good read for any writer looking to improve themselves and find their voice as a writer.

In this book, author Natalie Goldberg offers practical and actionable advice on how to approach the writing process, as well as encouragement and motivation for writers.

Goldberg’s focus on the importance of mindfulness and presence in the writing process is what impressed me the most.

She encourages writers to stay present at the moment and to pay attention to their thoughts and feelings, as this can help to create more authentic and honest writing.

Goldberg also explains the importance of finding your own unique voice as a writer and the role of discipline in the writing process which makes this book a great read.

She also offers helpful tips on how to stay motivated and inspired, and how to overcome common writing challenges, such as writer’s block and self-doubt.

Writing with a pen and paper is one piece of advice from this book that beginner writers may find helpful.

Writing with a computer and keyboard sometimes doesn’t make you go with the flow of your imagination that’s why this advice can be helpful for some writers.

Overall, I thought this book is a valuable resource for all beginner and intermediate writers. This book definitely helped me improve myself as a writer and I hope it will help you too!

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Image from Pexels.com

Final Thoughts

So, this concludes my recommendation. I tried to list the best books I thought are the most valuable for a beginner writer. But even if you are an experienced writer reading these books will definitely help you learn something new.

If you are willing to choose writing as a career or you write because you like to pass time—it doesn’t matter why you write, reading is important. Without reading you won’t be able to find a natural flow to your writing.

You can gain knowledge just by reading more and these books should be on your list if you didn’t read them. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced writer, these books are sure to provide valuable insights and inspiration as you continue on your writing journey.

If you are interested in writing, you can read how to write a D&D campaign to gain more experience as a writer.

Thank you for reading and good luck on your writing journey.

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